Workshop on Fundraising and Mobilization
The Instituto Alexandre e Heloisa Beldi [IAHB] put this workshop together with the goal of providing the civil society organizations in Sorocaba and Votorantim with access to updated expertise and new strategies for mobilization and fundraising, in order to collaborate for an improved sustainability and change of organizational culture.
The workshop was conducted by Marcelo Estraviz, President of the Instituto Doar, social entrepreneur, lecturer and writer. He is the founder and former president of the Brazilian Fundraising Association [ABCR], a counselor for Greenpeace, Cidade Democrática and Instituto Filantropia. Co-author of the book “Captação de diferentes recursos para organizações da sociedade civil”, author of “Um dia de captador” and “Pause”. Responsible for the #diadedoar and a NGO certification initiative. He has trained more than 10,000 people in 18 Brazilian states and 3 Latin American countries on mobilization and fundraising. Read more about the lecturer on
A total of 20 organizations participated and had access to the following content:
- 32-hour training on fundraising and mobilization, applied in two 16-hour sessions wherethe following topics were developed:
- Relevance of resource mobilization within the organization;
- Minimum requirements prior to fundraising;
- The several potential donors;
- Planning of fundraising campaigns;
- Definition of the goals and funding needs;
- Recruitment and training of a fundraising professional;
- Managing the mix of donors;
- New fundraising tools;
- High performance in negotiations with companies;
- Design of fundraising and mobilization plan.
- 08 hours for the presentation of the participants’s fundraising plan: Representatives from each of the 20 organizations presented to their managers the plan developed during training.
- Individual advisory: 90-minute sessions tailored to each of the 20 organization representatives, to discuss plan’s final improvements.