2014 ConSePS

In its eighth edition (2014), aiming to strengthen and develop local social organizations, IAHB proposed to the Faculty of Engineering of Sorocaba [FACENS] a new revision to Conseps, acting as the contest’s co-directing body. On previous editions, the history and demands of the participating organizations were analyzed. From 2014, the focus changed to the development the potential impacts of each participant institution.

As a result of this revision process, the contest became more robust, encouraging social organizations to rethink their activities in order to increase their social impact and to implement improved managing solutions, based on the knowledge and tools provided to the participants. The goal, from then on, would not be based simply on a prize, but on a range of various management tools being provided to the participants.

The 18 participants Civil Society Organizations received 72 hours of management training, split into:

  • Strategic Planning;
  • Impact Strategy;
  • Social Project Management (PMD Pro 1);
  • Fundraising

In addition to volunteer advisory provided by students in the Entrepreneurship II discipline at Facens’ Production Engineering course; fostering a space for expertise exchange among the organizations (Conseps network and college students) and the possibility of receiving an investment of R$ 15,000.00 to be granted to the 3 organizations that presented the best implementation plans to increase the impact of their work.

This new positioning benefited 18 organizations, 36 professionals and volunteers working for such institutions, and approximately 6,772 indirect beneficiaries assisted by them.